

Opti-Free Contact Lens Solutions for Clear Comfort

3 products

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products
Save $2.04
The Alcon Opti-Free Puremoist Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution twin pack includes two 10 fl oz bottles, featuring HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix for all-day comfort, advanced cleaning, 99.9% germ kill rate, and a lens case.Twin pack of Alcons Opti-Free Puremoist Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution, featuring HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix. Each 10 fl oz bottle comes in green and blue packaging, offering enhanced lens comfort and a case for convenience. Total volume: 20 fl oz (pack of 2).
Save $4.04
Image of Opti-Free Replenish Disinfecting Solution twin pack by Alcon, includes two 20 fl oz bottles with lens case. Labels emphasize comfort, disinfection, and moisture retention. Features a green and blue design with water droplet graphic.Two white bottles of Alcons Opti-Free Replenish, a multi-purpose disinfecting solution, are featured next to their packaging. The box boasts the Opti-Free logo, Enhanced Comfort, and Twin Pack, highlighting HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix for superior hydration.
Save $1.00
Alcons Opti-Free Pure Moist Disinfecting Contact Lens Solution with Case offers All Day Comfort. Featuring HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix, it cleans, rinses, disinfects, and stores lenses. Comes in a convenient 2oz travel size with a free lens case.An Alcon Opti-Free with Pure Moist Disinfecting Contact Lens Solution (2oz) box and bottle are shown, highlighting the HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix for all-day comfort with soft contact lenses. Includes a travel case.

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