All-Natural Eyelid Cleaner
Blephadex uses all-natural formula of tea tree oil and coconut oil specifically designed for cleaning lashes, eyelids, and the face without any harmful chemicals or burning sensation.

Soothing and Moisturizing Eyelid Wipes
Treat dry, itchy eyes, Blepharitis, Rosacea, and Demodex Mites without the burning and stinging of other brands. Blephadex wipes can help clean, soothe, and moisturize the eyelids

Daily Care is Key
Daily eyelid wiping leads to fewer eye infections and prevents damage to the surface of the eyes.

Symptom Relief
Daily eyelid wiping can reduce symptoms of dryness, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, swollen eyelids and many others

All Natural Ingredients
All-natural, eyelid and facial cleaner that helps to relieve the symptoms of dry, itchy eyes, Blepharitis, Rosacea, and Demodex Mites